Liberty Baptist Church

Our Mission

To assist parents in training their children in "the nurture and admonition of the Lord."  Our purpose is to provide a quality Christian education at an affordable price in a safe, caring, loving environment.

Who we are

Liberty Baptist Academy offers a quality Christian education in a warm, friendly atmosphere. The purpose of this school is to give Christian training along with a solid, academic foundation for the average and above average student. Educational and spiritual standards are high, with added emphasis on character training and patriotism. Each student has close, personal contact with well-qualified teachers in classrooms that are bright and cheerful and equipped to promote learning.  Liberty Baptist Academy is fully accredited with the American Association of Christian Schools (AACS) and is dually accredited with the NACSAA.

Teachers & Staff

Acceptance Policy

Acceptance of students is based upon testing and interviews with students and their parents. All students must have a desire to attend this school and be willing to abide by its standards.

Top-Quality Academics

A Beka curriculum - a proven, professional, Christian curriculum - Designed to give the student a well-rounded, solid education, there is a strong emphasis on reading, using the intensive phonics approach, along with other academic subjects such as math, science, etc.

Well-trained teachers with Christian character and genuine love and concern for their students.

Student Enrollment

When enrollment opens, application packets may be picked up at the Academy office. A nonrefundable, nontransferable registration fee is due when the application is returned. This fee will hold the student's place until the first payment is due. No spot is reserved without full payment of the registration fee.

Registration & Tuition Cost

Family Registration Fee:

$250.00 per family
(brothers/sisters in the same household)

Tuition Rates:

Tuition may be paid in full (no discount for payment in full) or a 10-period pay plan. The first payment is due by August 1 (if student is withdrawn during the month of August, even if school has not yet started, the August tuition will not be refunded). Subsequent payments are due the first of each month, and the last payment is due May 1.

Annual Family Tuition Rates:

1st student (no matter what grade) ........ $3,850.00
Additional students .................................... $2,700.00

Resource/Curriculum Fees

Nonrefundable Resource/Curriculum Fee (per student) due June 15:

If the nonrefundable resource/curriculum fee is not paid by June 25, the student's reservation will be considered forfeited, and the student's space will be offered to those on the waiting list.

  • Kindergartens ................................... $250.00
  • 1st - 11th Grades ............................. $375.00
  • 12th Grade ........................................ $350.00
  • Nonrefundable Student Service Fee (per student) - $115 (due July 15)
  • Please Contact us for more information.


Miscellaneous Info

  • School hours for all students are from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. (dismissal time subject to slight change for "pick up" efficiency).
  • Liberty Baptist Academy does not provide bus service.
  • Students follow school dress code.
  • Students bring their own lunches or lunches can be purchased at "The Trading Post" (microwaves provided).
  • Extended school day program is available at a modest additional cost.
  • Liberty Baptist Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, nationality, or ethnic origin in administration of its educational or admission policies.

Philosophy of Education

Liberty Baptist Academy follows a biblical, traditional philosophy of education.  A biblical philosophy focuses on the concept that since God created and sustains everything through His Son, Jesus Christ, that it is our responsibility to glorify Him.  As a sinner by nature and choice, man cannot glorify God apart from a new relationship through a personal acceptance of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  One receives Christ as Savior by repenting of sin and placing one’s faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ as full and sufficient payment for sin.  The purpose of Christian education is to help each student receive Christ as Savior and to grow spiritually so that his/her life may glorify Christ.

A traditional philosophy of education is a God-centered education.  It emphasizes respect for authority, the need for discipline, the modeling of Christian character, and instruction in Christian values.  Traditional education teaches responsibility and accountability for one’s actions.  Traditional education holds its students to standards of conduct and does so without apology.

A traditional philosophy believes that God has established the home as the one responsible to train a child.  (Genesis 18:19; Deuteronomy 6:7; Proverbs 22:6; Ephesians 6:4; II Timothy 1:5; 3:15)  The church serves as a second platform of spiritual training and leadership development for the family.  (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:42; II Timothy 2:2)  The Christian school provides a third source of godly influence and serves to develop the students into the image of God.  They are taught to know Him and to imitate Him in His character and in His works. 

The Bible is the foundation for all learning.  The Bible is not only taught as a class but is emphasized in every subject taught.  We endeavor to introduce each child to Christ and to direct children and families to know the Bible as well as live it.

Spiritual Objectives

  • To ensure that every student is challenged to receive the gospel of Jesus Christ by faith

  • To enable students to develop the character of Christ

  • To educate students with excellent Bible-centered academics

  • To equip students for a lifetime of service for Christ

  • To encourage students to achieve their full potential

  • To elevate the student's love for God and country